* A lot is happening! (OLTL Two Scoops Commentary for October 25, 2004) | Soap Central

A lot is happening!

by Dawn
Last week was very eventful on One Life to Live, which was a nice change of pace. It is obvious that things are picking up in time for November sweeps. Here are just a few things that caught my attention.

I never thought I would say this, but a couple of scenes associated with the Santi storyline stood out and caught my attention in a good way last week. Antonio and Dorian's scenes were unexpectedly compelling. She was married to Manuel Santi, but up until Friday. we knew very little about her relationship with him or what he did to her. She was abused and afraid that Manuel would harm her unborn child, so she escaped as quickly as she could. Not wanting Jessica to go through the same thing, she expressed concern and told Antonio about the danger of being involved with the Santis. When she warned Antonio not become his father, it was powerful. Dorian knows what will happen to Antonio if he tries to be like his father, and she knows where Jessica's life with Tico could be headed. Antonio considered what she said, as he went to go see his daughter soon after and even made an effort to warn Jessica about Tico. He still wouldn't give up his crusade to find his identity, but he did listen to Dorian. Antonio and Dorian have an off-screen history, as Dorian knew both Antonio and Cristian as they were growing up, and Dorian showed that she still cares about him after all of those years. Why did I find these scenes so compelling? They involved 2 characters that are well known and have history in Llanview. One of the main problems with the Santi storyline at the beginning is we were forced to watch characters that we didn't know practically take over the show. Day after day, we watched Sonia and Tico, who were practically strangers, talk about their family that we didn't know. It was pointless and boring. Using Dorian's history with Antonio and her connection to the Santis is something the writers should have done a long time ago. I am not saying that I love the Santi storyline and want to see more of it, but I thought Dorian and Antonio's scenes were terrific, in terms of acting and writing. I was surprised by this, and I hope to see more scenes like this instead of what we have become used to with the Santis.

Paul's days in Llanview are numbered. I know this not only because David Tom is leaving the show but because almost everyone in Llanview uttered the phrase "I could kill Paul!"in the past couple of weeks. He has made a lot of enemies and doesn't seem to care that no one wants him around. The question now is, who will be his killer? So far, R.J., Lindsay, Dorian, David, Kelly, Kevin, Natalie, Jen, and even Marcie have either said directly or insinuated that they would like Paul to go away. There are the obvious suspects, such as R.J. who has connections and isn't afraid to use them. Next, there is Lindsay who murdered her ex-husband in the midst of a nervous breakdown. Kelly thought she "got rid" of Paul once before, and she could try again, especially now that she knows Paul stole Ace and is willing to tell everyone. Kevin's new alliance with Tico means he could easily have Paul killed without being directly linked to it. He has already tried to pay Paul off to get him to leave Llanview, so Kevin might get just worried enough to have Tico arrange for Paul's death. Some readers have already speculated about Kevin involved in the murder. Madeleine wrote "Tico funding Kevin's campaign is lame; Kevin is wealthy and doesn't need any financial support. However, I could see him using Tico's connections to get rid of Paul. To me, that is the only way that Tico and Kevin's partnership makes any sense." While I think this is possible, I want the ending to be more shocking than Tico having another person killed. There are several possibilities to make this more interesting. Maybe Paul's murder will be a group effort, with Llanview residents forming an alliance. Maybe several people will think they killed Paul, but no one will be sure, which would be similar to when Colin's murder a few years ago. I don't know who the killer(s) will be, but I know who I don't want it to be. I don't want Lindsay to be the killer or an accomplice. She has already murdered someone, and I don't want to see her do it again. Similarly, I don't want Jen to do it because she does not need to follow in her mother's footsteps, especially not by killing someone. Someone suggested that Marcie should be the one to kill Paul, but I can't see her doing that even under the worst of circumstances. Although, she really went to Jen's rescue when Paul was attacking her; Marcie showed how strong and brave she can be. However, I don't see her killing anyone. At this point though, just about anyone in Llanview could end up being the killer, and we probably won't know the truth for a while. Now that I have suggested some possibilities and who I don't want Paul's murderer to be, I would love to hear your theories. Who will be responsible for Paul permanently leaving Llanview?

Finally, I must comment on Bo and Nora. They are busy parading around with Daniel and Paige and refuse to believe that they still have feelings with each other, especially in Nora's case. She always looks bored with Daniel and looks ready to escape at any time. When Evangeline questioned her about Bo, Nora took a very long time to say that things were over between her and Bo, and she seemed uncomfortable while she was saying it. Bo, on the other hand, has decided to move on with Paige, who reminds me a lot of Melanie from a couple of years ago. He and Paige spend more time discussing his relationship with Nora than they do getting to know each other. My question is, why can't 2 people who were married at one time and share a child admit that they still love each other? Their divorce was ugly, and they went through some bad times, but they are beyond that now. They have a strong friendship and want to spend time together for reasons that extend beyond sharing a son. There are readers who share my frustration. Karen wrote in to say " Why can't Bo and Nora get their act together? They were a great team when they were married, and they make a great team now. They give each other looks and seem jealous of Daniel and Paige; why can't they just admit that they want to get back together? Leave Daniel and Paige in the dust and get back together already!" Thank you, Karen! Bo and Nora's reunion is taking too long, and it's getting irritating. Now Bo and Nora have Asa's "dying wish" on their minds, will they finally admit their true feelings? I have a sneaking suspicion that Asa isn't really dying and that he just wants Bo and Nora back together. I am not completely sure about this, but pretending to be dying is definitely something Asa would do to get what he wants. I doubt his plan will work, but Asa wants Bo and Nora to reunite like so many fans. While I don't want Bo and Nora to be forced back together through manipulation, I want them to reunite. The fans have waited long enough; bring back Bo and Nora!

Have a pleasant week!

Until next time, Dawn

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