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Natalia Fowler
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Actor History


Was said to be under 20 years of age in 2008


Rookie police officer with the Pine Valley police department


1421 Plumtree Road, Apartment 5F [also mentioned as 718 Valley Road]

Formerly Denver, Colorado

Marital Status

Single/Engaged to Brot Monroe [Engaged: Aug 26, 2011]

Past Marriages



Jesse Hubbard (father)

Rebecca Fowler (mother)

Angela Hubbard (step-mother)

Lionel Hubbard (paternal grandfather; deceased)

Ellie Grant Hubbard (paternal grandmother; deceased)

Frankie Hubbard (paternal half-brother) Cassandra Foster (paternal adoptive sister)

Eugene Hubbard (paternal uncle)



Flings & Affairs

Unnamed boyfriend, described by Natalia as "a jerk"

Unnamed boyfriend who turned out to be gay

Brot Monroe (lovers)

Crimes Committed

Unlawfully discharged her service revolver, shooting Aidan Devane in the arm [Oct 14, 2009]

Health and Vitals

Knocked unconscious by Janet Green [Apr 30, 2010]

Brief Character History

Natalia arrived in Pine Valley to see Jesse Hubbard, despite his pleas that she not track him down. It was later revealed that this stalker was actually Jesse's daughter, a child he had helped to create during a 25-year period when he was supposedly dead. Jesse had faked his death in order to protect his family from a crime boss who wanted him dead. While on the run, Jesse met Rebecca Fowler, a woman who had given him a place to stay. Despite getting Rebecca pregnant, Jesse remained very much in love with his wife, Angie, who he'd been forced to leave behind so many years ago.

Rebecca was diagnosed with cancer and not given much time to live. Jesse returned home to be with Angie and his son, Frankie, but Natalia had visions of her mother and father being together. Natalia tried to run interference in Jesse and Angie's reunion, but she eventually backed down. Sadly, Rebecca lost her battle with cancer and it devastated Natalia. Angie extended the offer for Natalia to live with her and Jesse in Pine Valley on a permanent basis. Natalia accepted.

Always admiring her father, Natalia enrolled in the police academy and was later hired by the Pine Valley Police Department. Often, Natalia was partnered with Brot Monroe, a member of her police academy graduating class. When Natalia was assigned to guard Annie Lavery at the dance marathon competition at Fusion, she and Brot were dance partners. They won the competition. Brot flirted with Natalia, but she refused his advances. When he kissed her, she denied that she enjoyed it.

Natalia went undercover as a model for Fusion to keep tabs on Greenlee Smythe. Greenlee had resurfaced after being presumed dead, and David Hayward had been involved in her presumed death. Although Brot tried to stop her, Natalia posed nearly nude for a Fusion campaign. The risqué photos surfaced at the police station. Jesse and Brot were upset because of the photos. Brot punched the officer that passed them around and was temporarily suspended.

Natalia went on a date with Brot, but claimed they were just friends. Brot kissed her to prove there was more than friendship between them. They began to date, and they ignored Jesse's warning about the trouble that could follow by breaking the police policy. Officers were not allowed to date one another. Natalia remained conflicted about getting close to Brot. When Brot's apartment was being painted, she allowed him to stay on her couch. She confessed she loved him but was afraid to get too close in case she lost him. Brot reassured her he would never hurt her.

Natalia was a virgin when she and Brot became lovers. The mayor learned of their relationship, and Jesse was ordered to fire one of them. Brot asked to be fired, but he was able to keep his job. Natalia took a detective job in Philadelphia. They continued their relationship, and Natalia returned to Pine Valley often to visit Brot and her family.

In late August of 2011, Brot proposed to Natalia and she accepted. A few weeks later, Brot revealed that he had helped Jesse cover up the death of his daughter and helped him pass off an abandoned baby as his own. Brot worried that Natalia would change her mind about marrying him but she thanked him for supporting her father so he did not have to grieve the loss of a child alone. She assured him she could never stop loving him.

Natalia and Brot moved forward with planning their wedding. They decided a small wedding would be best since Angie and Jesse were grieving the loss of their daughter and the surgery to restore Angie's vision did not seem to work. Natalia and Brot shared their ideas for the wedding with Randi and Frankie at Krystal's. Jesse showed up and offered to have the wedding at his place since Angie's vision had returned. The group immediately headed over to visit Angie and they celebrated the engagement and Angie's sight.

Brot and Natalia attended a party at the Chandler mansion with Angie, Jesse, Randi, and Frankie to welcome home Stuart Chandler. Stuart had been presumed dead but was revealed to be alive after he received experimental treatments from David Hayward as part of his Project Orpheus. At the party, the guests toasted the love of neighbors, family, and friends as a shot rang out.

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